Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Plastic Surgeon in Plano, TX Explains Breast Augmentation

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure to change the appearance of a woman’s breast. This is achieved by placing an implant under the breast tissue. There can be many reasons as to why a woman chooses to alter the appearance of her breasts. For example, if a woman has lost her breasts due to a disease such as cancer, breast augmentation can be an ideal way for her to restore her body image.

Breast Augmentation - Implants photo

What type of Implant is used for the Surgery?

The patient together with the surgeon will decide on the type of implant. There are several factors that affect this decision. These include the:
  • Implant filling: There is a choice of saline or silicone. Saline is a natural substance that exists in a person’s body, and is not harmful in case of a rupture. On the other hand, silicone can feel soft and more natural
  • Size of implant: This is decided based on the desired profile. For instance, if the patient desires a small lift, saline implants are perfect fit for the procedure
  • Surface of the implant: There is a choice between textured and smooth surfaced implants. Textured implants reduce the chances of the implant repositioning itself within the breast tissue
  • Manufacturer of implant: This usually depends on the cost and the longevity of the implant

How is the Surgery Performed?

This is a major surgery and performed at a hospital setting. The patient will be placed under general anesthesia during the entire duration of the surgery. 

What is the Recovery like?

The patient can return home the next day post-surgery. Most Plano, TX plastic surgeons will advise their patients to refrain from strenuous physical activity for a few weeks. A surgical bra will also be provided, which must be worn for a designated amount of time or until stitches can be removed.

To Learn More About  Breast Augmentation, Please Visit: Noble Cosmetic Surgery

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