Monday, July 10, 2017

Total Fertility Through Sperm Banking in Frisco TX

What is sperm banking?

Sperm banking is the collection and storage of your semen. Sperm is found in the fluid of semen. Sperm banking is also referred to as semen storage or sperm cryopreservation.
Some treatment done for cancer can affect your fertility. This may result in affecting your ability to become a father. Collecting sperm will help you in having children in the future. The sperm is stored and frozen until you decide to have a baby.
What are the treatments that cause infertility in men?

Sperm Banking - NTMIC Sperm Lab
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Radiotherapy to body parts including the abdomen
  • Surgery to body parts especially like the removal of the testicles or prostate surgery.

Before the start of a cancer treatment, your doctor will tell you whether you need to bank your sperm. Your fertility may be affected permanently or temporarily. If temporary, you will be able to become fertile after the treatment. It will vary from person to person and it will depend on the type of treatment. 

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are not only lethal to cancer cells, but also to fast-growing cells like sperm. Treatments that use alkylating agents that have the potential to save a person’s life can also significantly affect your fertility. The duration, dosage of therapy, treatment regimen, and age can affect men in several different ways in regard to fertility. Providing a sample of your sperm for freezing is a straight forward procedure that can allow you to plan your life after a cancer treatment. 

How long can the sperm be stored safely?

Semen sample does not deteriorate through freezing even after many years. Banking sperm before cancer treatments has allowed teenagers and adults to become fathers after many years.

To learn more about Sperm Banking, visit NTMIC Sperm Lab

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