Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Things to know before you get a retina surgery done in Laguna Hills

The retina is the light sensing skin area that captures and transfers images to your brain. A retinal tear on the delicate retina wall can result in a retinal detachment. Retinal detachment can cause various issues including permanent vision loss unless treated promptly. A retina surgery is usually performed due to a retinal tear or a detached retina in the eyes. According to your condition, an ophthalmologist will recommend the type of procedure that is best suited for you. Retina detachments usually affect middle-aged or older persons.

Who is at the risk of suffering from retinal detachment?

- Retinal detachment can arise at any age however people commonly experience it after they turn 40 years
- Those who are exceedingly nearsighted
- Those who have had retinal detachment in one eye
- Those who have a family history of retinal detachment
- People with eye disease or eye injury can also be at the risk of getting retinal detachment

What type of symptoms occurs for retinal detachment?

The symptoms of retinal detachment could felt gradually or it can happen suddenly. You may experience cobwebs or floating specks or even light flashes in your eyesight. Retinal detachment is considered a medical emergency; therefore, it is important to consult a medical professional immediately.

How do you treat retinal detachment?

Surgery is required to reattach a detached retina. There are usually three surgical options depending on the type of detachment you are experiencing.

Vitrectomy is the commonly performed surgery to treat a detached retina. Scleral buckling is another surgical option, but if the detachment is uncomplicated and small then pneumatic retinopexy will do the trick.

What are the possible post surgery complications?

Even though long-term complications are not very common in the retinal detachment surgery, here are few things doctors might warn you on.
- Bleeding inside the eye
- Bruised eye
- Glaucoma
- Cataract
- Infections (very rare)

- Allergic reaction to medicine

To Learn More About Retina Surgery, Please Visit Orange Country Eye Institute

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Treat Varicose Veins with Endovenous Laser Treatment in Manhattan NY

Varicose veins are a problem that forms mainly on the legs and, occasionally, on the face. These veins appear on the surface on the skin, and are noticeable. In most cases, the varicose veins are primarily an aesthetic issue but, at times, it can cause physical pain as well. This has made many individuals seek treatment for this problem to allow optimal blood flow through the veins and restore healthy, beautiful skin.    

Treat Varicose Veins with Endovenous Laser Treatment

What is an Endovenous Laser Treatment?

The Endovenous Laser Treatment, known as ELT in short, is offered by many Manhattan NY doctor for patients looking to get rid of varicose veins. This treatment makes use of a concentrated beam of laser energy that is administered directly to the blood vessels. After a short period of time, the veins will fade away and restore flawless skin. As a result of the method of treatment that ELT employs, it has become popular among many patients. 

What happens during the treatment?

When administering the treatment, the doctor will start by creating an ultrasound map that shows the path of vein that is to be treated. A local anesthetic will be administered to the treatment area to keep it numb. Following this, a thin laser fiber will be inserted into the affected vein through a minute entry point. This fiber is used to emit a precisely controlled burst of laser energy. While this is being done, the fiber will gradually be pulled back through the vein. The walls of the vein will react to the energy of laser and being to constrict, and eventually seal off. When this happens, the flow of blood will be redirected to healthy veins. 

What should be expected after the treatment?

Following an ELT, patients can immediately resume normal activities. The only restriction is that heavy workouts should be avoided for few days. After this treatment, patients should expect some minor discomfort and bruising as with a conventional surgery. 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Understanding The Difference Between Your Internist and General Practitioners in Chicago

Physicians can be categorized into primary caregivers to patients and specialists. Internal medicine and family medicine are two key components of primary care physicians. Internists are doctors who specialize in internal medicine while family physicians are those we refer to as general practitioners. These two fields are co-related but here are some of the differences. 


Who is an internist?

An internist or doctor of internal medicine is a medical doctor who is qualified and specializes in diagnosing non-surgical treatment of adults. Internists offer long-term care and treatment for managing common as well as complex diseases. An internist is able to serve as a primary care physician or a consultant specializing in certain areas. Many internists have experience in teaching and research. Internists treat diseases that occur inside the body. These include cancers, digestive disorders, and organ related diseases. Internists or internal doctors usually practice in hospitals and offices offering diagnostic and referral services. 

What is the role of a family medical practitioner?

Family doctors are usually qualified in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, and geriatrics. This is the reason they are referred to as general practitioners since they have the ability to treat a patient at any age group. General practitioners usually build long-term relationships with patients as family doctors. 

What are the similarities and differences between a family practitioner?

Internist and general practitioners focus on being primary caregivers to patients. Internists usually treat teens and adults unless they are qualified separately in pediatrics. General practitioners usually have a broader training to work on a variety of areas including gynecology, pediatrics, and obstetrics. Internists usually work in hospitals whilst family practitioners maintain a private practice. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Total Fertility Through Sperm Banking in Frisco TX

What is sperm banking?

Sperm banking is the collection and storage of your semen. Sperm is found in the fluid of semen. Sperm banking is also referred to as semen storage or sperm cryopreservation.
Some treatment done for cancer can affect your fertility. This may result in affecting your ability to become a father. Collecting sperm will help you in having children in the future. The sperm is stored and frozen until you decide to have a baby.
What are the treatments that cause infertility in men?

Sperm Banking - NTMIC Sperm Lab
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Radiotherapy to body parts including the abdomen
  • Surgery to body parts especially like the removal of the testicles or prostate surgery.

Before the start of a cancer treatment, your doctor will tell you whether you need to bank your sperm. Your fertility may be affected permanently or temporarily. If temporary, you will be able to become fertile after the treatment. It will vary from person to person and it will depend on the type of treatment. 

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are not only lethal to cancer cells, but also to fast-growing cells like sperm. Treatments that use alkylating agents that have the potential to save a person’s life can also significantly affect your fertility. The duration, dosage of therapy, treatment regimen, and age can affect men in several different ways in regard to fertility. Providing a sample of your sperm for freezing is a straight forward procedure that can allow you to plan your life after a cancer treatment. 

How long can the sperm be stored safely?

Semen sample does not deteriorate through freezing even after many years. Banking sperm before cancer treatments has allowed teenagers and adults to become fathers after many years.

To learn more about Sperm Banking, visit NTMIC Sperm Lab

Breast Lifts and Augmentations are Available in Orange County

A woman’s figure has always been a thing of beauty. It’s no secret that a good figure attracts admiring glances anywhere, anytime. Having breasts that are proportionate to the rest of the body can enhance any female form. That is why many ladies opt to undergo breast augmentation in Orange County. Another reason to have this surgery is that breasts tend to sag and lose their shape after a woman gives birth and breastfeeds. It also occurs with age and considerable weight loss. This can leave her with reduced self-confidence. Do you wish that your breasts were higher or firmer or larger? Perhaps it’s time to make an appointment to see your trusted cosmetic surgeon.

What is a breast lift?

This procedure lifts and reshapes the breast. If the size needs to be increased, augmentation with implants can be done for that purpose during this process. In this article, we attempt to answer some frequently asked questions regarding breast lifts.

Does the procedure reduce sensitivity of the breast?

Many women worry that they will lose sensitivity if they undergo a breast lift. There is no basis to this fear at all. There is no interference to the nerves in this process.

Does it affect breastfeeding?

Again the answer is a no.  So even if you decide to have children after the surgery, there will be no problems.

What are the different types of breast lifts?

A periareolar lift is used for a minimally sagging breast. One cut is made around the areola and excess skin removed.

A lollypop lift involves two incisions, one below the breast as well as around the areola. It provides better lift than the previous technique.

The T lift adds another cut – along the inframammary fold. It elevates both the breast and nipple to the greatest possible degree.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

For clear vision, visit a cataract surgeon in Laguna Hills CA

You can clear your vision by removing the cataract and use a plastic implant in its place. This procedure may sound scary, but it can improve your eyesight and make your life a lot easier.

Why should I have a cataract surgery?

You may not even have noticed any change in your vision. Some will see well if they wear prescription glasses, rely on brighter light, or use a magnifying lens.

Cataracts will grow and cause symptoms and problems in your daily life. You may experience blurred, yellow, dim, or double vision. This may make it hard for you to work on a computer, read, and do anything that requires clear sight. You may find it hard to drive in the dark or have poor night vision. Cataracts can cause more sensitivity to glare from the sun. A halo may be visible around bright objects. Sometimes you will be required to get your cataract removed.

How do I prepare for a cataract procedure?

A couple of weeks before the date of the procedure, your doctor will conduct tests and measure the shape and size of your eye. This is necessary to choose the appropriate lens implant for you. Your doctor may ask you not to eat or drink anything 12 hours before the cataract surgery.

What will happen during the surgery?

Usually, the surgery will take under an hour. You will feel very little pain. The eye will be numbed with an anesthetic. You will be awake throughout the procedure. You doctor may help you relax with medication.

Are there any side effects with the procedure?

Cataract surgery is very safe. Side effects are very rare.

To Learn More About Clear Vision, Please Visit: OrangeCounty Eye Institute

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Preparing for a Rhinoplasty Procedure in Plano TX

If you are unhappy with the shape and size of your nose, talk to surgeon in Plano TX about a rhinoplasty. Knowing how to prepare yourself for the procedure can ensure realistic expectations and satisfying outcomes. 

Rhinoplasty Plano TX

Who are the best Candidates for Rhinoplasty?

Most individuals in Plano TX who undergo the rhinoplasty procedure are those who are not satisfied with the appearance of their nose. On the other hand, some patients opt for the procedure to get some relief from breathing difficulties or discomfort caused by previous nose injuries or structural abnormalities. An ideal candidate will also be in good general health, have a full understanding of all the risks associated with the procedure, and have realistic expectations of the results. 

What will happen at the initial consultation stage?

Once you have selected a surgeon, he or she will schedule a comprehensive consultation with you. This will give you the opportunity to develop a relationship with him or her and start planning the course of treatment. During the initial examination, the surgeon will assess your candidacy for the procedure by inquiring about your medical history, any medications you are taking, and whether you smoke. There will also be questions about other relevant concerns. At this stage, you must be honest and straightforward, as hiding certain key information can increase the likelihood of surgical complications. Once you have been ascertained as physically qualified, he or she will speak to you about your expectations or goals for the procedure. If you are opting for rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons, the Plano, TX surgeon will ask you to bring sample pictures of the look you desire. While he or she may not be able to create an exact replica, the images will serve as a guide in creating a treatment plan that can help achieve your cosmetic goals. Other key aspects that will be discussed include the type of rhinoplasty that will work best, the most appropriate technique, and the type of anesthesia that you will need.

How should I prepare for the Surgery?

During the weeks running up to the surgery, you must follow a healthy diet, as proper nutrition can speed up the healing process and reduce the likelihood of infection. While ensuring that you eat a wholesome diet and take nutrition supplements, you may need to avoid supplements and foods that can hinder the healing process. This includes ginseng, gingko, ginger, vitamin E supplements, and certain herbal and homeopathic supplements. You should also avoid drinking alcohol and smoking during this period. 

To Learn More About Rhinoplasty, Please Visit: Noble Cosmetic Surgery

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Plastic Surgeon in Plano, TX Explains Breast Augmentation

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure to change the appearance of a woman’s breast. This is achieved by placing an implant under the breast tissue. There can be many reasons as to why a woman chooses to alter the appearance of her breasts. For example, if a woman has lost her breasts due to a disease such as cancer, breast augmentation can be an ideal way for her to restore her body image.

Breast Augmentation - Implants photo

What type of Implant is used for the Surgery?

The patient together with the surgeon will decide on the type of implant. There are several factors that affect this decision. These include the:
  • Implant filling: There is a choice of saline or silicone. Saline is a natural substance that exists in a person’s body, and is not harmful in case of a rupture. On the other hand, silicone can feel soft and more natural
  • Size of implant: This is decided based on the desired profile. For instance, if the patient desires a small lift, saline implants are perfect fit for the procedure
  • Surface of the implant: There is a choice between textured and smooth surfaced implants. Textured implants reduce the chances of the implant repositioning itself within the breast tissue
  • Manufacturer of implant: This usually depends on the cost and the longevity of the implant

How is the Surgery Performed?

This is a major surgery and performed at a hospital setting. The patient will be placed under general anesthesia during the entire duration of the surgery. 

What is the Recovery like?

The patient can return home the next day post-surgery. Most Plano, TX plastic surgeons will advise their patients to refrain from strenuous physical activity for a few weeks. A surgical bra will also be provided, which must be worn for a designated amount of time or until stitches can be removed.

To Learn More About  Breast Augmentation, Please Visit: Noble Cosmetic Surgery

Monday, June 26, 2017

Breast Augmentation in Orange County

A woman’s figure has always been a thing of beauty. It’s no secret that a good figure attracts admiring glances anywhere, anytime.  Having a bust that is proportionate to the rest of the body can enhance any female form. That is why many ladies opt to undergo breast augmentation in Orange County. Another reason to have this surgery is that breasts tend to sag and go out of shape after a woman gives birth and breastfeeds. It also occurs with age and considerable weight loss. This can leave her with reduced self-confidence. Do you wish that your breasts were positioned higher or firmer or larger? Perhaps it’s time to make an appointment to see your trusted cosmetic surgeon. 

Breast Augmentation Surgery Orange County

What is breast augmentation?

Also known as a breast lift, this procedure lifts and reshapes the breast. If the size needs to be increased, implants can be used for that purpose during this process. In this article we attempt to answer some frequently asked questions regarding this technique.

Does breast augmentation reduce sensitivity of the breast?

Many women worry that they will lose sensitivity if they undergo a breast lift. There is no basis to this fear at all. There is no interference to the nerves in this process. 

Does it affect breastfeeding?

Again the answer is a no.  So even if you decide to have children after the surgery, there will be no problems.

What are the different types of breast lift?
  • A periareolar lift is used for a minimally sagging breast. One cut is made around the areolar and excess skin removed. 
  • A lollypop lift involves two incisions, one below the breast as well as around the areolar. It provides better lift than the previous technique. 
  • The T lift adds another cut -  along the inframammary fold. It elevates both the breast and nipple to the greatest possible degree.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Retina Surgery in Laguna Hills

What is the retina?

This is the thin membrane that recognizes the light coming through the eye. Nerves in the retina send signals to the brain through the optic nerve.

How can retinal detachment be corrected?

The goal is to reattach the retina and to avoid the loss of sight. Almost all retinal detachments can be corrected by surgery, vitrectomy and pneumatic retinopexy.

How soon must one go for surgery?

This usually depends how far the retinal detachment has progressed but in most cases, it really cannot wait. The sooner you go through with surgery, the better chances you will have at recovering your vision. Your ophthalmologist in Laguna Hills will typically do the surgery within days of your diagnosis. IF the macula, the part of the retina that facilitates central vision, is detached from what is below it, a successful outcome is made more difficult.

What is the implication of a retinal tear?

If the tear is likely to cause detachment then your doctor will recommend treatment. If not, treatment may not be needed.

What are the different types of retina surgery?

Pneumatic retinopexy – A gas bubble is injected to the eyeball to press the retina to the wall of the eye and then the retinal tear is sealed with a laser or a freezing probe.
Scleral buckling surgery – A silicone sponge, semi-hard plastic, or piece of rubber is placed on the eye and sewn into place, preventing more tearing.
Vitrectomy- The vitreous gel of the eye is removed, giving good access to the eye tissues including the retina.

Which factors are at play in deciding the type of surgery?

The location, cause, and type of detachment usually play a role in this decision. Other eye conditions may also contribute. You may need more than one surgery for best results. 

To Learn More About Retina Surgery Please Visit: ORANGE COUNTY EYE INSTITUTE 

Ending embarrassing urology problems with a Katy professional

There is no need for you to put up with the embarrassment or discomfort associated with issues such as incontinence, constipation, or kidney stones. Speak to a urology professional in Katy, to find out how you can put an end to it.

Can you tell me about pelvic floor dysfunction?

If you suffer from fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, or incontinence, instead of brushing it aside, speak to a urology professional in Katy about it. Contrary to popular belief, bladder and bowel problems are not ‘normal’ aspects of the aging process, and are treatable conditions. One of the most common causes of these issues is pelvic floor dysfunction. Also known as the pelvic diaphragm, the pelvic floor comprises several muscles that lie beneath the pelvis. In turn, these muscles support the bladder, reproductive organs, and rectum. The condition involves muscles that are unable to relax, or are too weak. In either of these cases, it interrupts the synchronization of muscle movements that are required for proper urinary and bowel function. It is a result of damage to the nerves or muscles that are in the pelvic floor. Common risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction comprise past surgeries, vaginal childbirth, pregnancy, and obesity.

What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones comprise calcium crystals that form into hard stones in the kidneys. When the stones are small, the body passes them while you are urinating and, therefore, you are not likely to even know about them. However, as they grow and move out of the kidney and into the ureter, they can block urine flow, cause irritation and terrible pain. While your urology professional in Katy may not be able to tell you the exact cause of these stones, there is some evidence that points to lack of sufficient liquid intake as a risk factor. Also, those who live in hot climates are more prone to developing these stones as they are more prone to dehydration. When dehydrated, the minerals in urine tend to become concentrated and develop into crystals.

How will I know when I have kidney stones?

You will experience sudden and severe ‘waves of pain’ in your pubic area, side, abdomen or back. You might also experience some nausea and notice blood discharge in your urine. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

How to Prepare for Your Visit to a Spine Surgeon in Park Ridge, IL?

Visiting a doctor can be an anxiety inducing experience at any given occasion, and a visit to a spine surgeon could be doubly so. However, if you prepare well and know the right questions beforehand, your visit will go well, as many in Park Ridge, IL have found out.

The Spine Center, Orthopedic Surgeon

What will happen during my first visit?

Your spine surgeon will ask you a lot of questions during the first visit to obtain a clear insight into your exact problem. He or she will question you in detail to take down your complete medical history in preparation for back treatment. Once the interview concludes, the physical examination will reveal the additional information required to determine the root cause of your problem. 

What should I discuss with my Spine Surgeon during the first visit?

Your surgeon in Park Ridge, IL will ask you in depth questions about the history of your illness, what the initial diagnosis was and the treatments that you underwent. He or she will also be concerned about the medication you are currently on and whether you have any medication allergies. Your alcohol intake, family history of spine problems, your diet, and information about previous surgeries will be reviewed during the first discussion.

What can I do to help my Spine Surgeon?

If you provide accurate information and are honest with your answers, your medical professional will be able to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan easily. When you are in pain, it is difficult to focus and answer all questions correctly. It is advisable to write down all your symptoms and medical history before you visit your surgeon so as not to miss out on giving accurate information. This method has worked out well for many patients from Park Ridge, IL. 

To Learn More About Spine Surgeon, Please Visit: The Spine Center

Monday, June 19, 2017

Enhanced Healthcare Through a Concierge Physician in Chicago

The doctor will limit patient load to ensure adequate availability and time for each patient for enhanced care. Patients can benefit from extended access and face time with the physician. Patients will have the luxury of texting a question, consulting via video conferencing, and can email photos for diagnosis.

Concierge Medicine

Primary care physicians operate by practicing with several patients at any given time. To keep up with the workload, doctors schedule many appointments a day and spend only a few minutes with each patient.

Concierge physicians, on the other hand, reduce the volume of patients they see, to allow them to offer a higher level of service and care for each patient. Your concierge doctor will provide different services when compared with traditional care.

Traditional doctors will provide episodic care. They will see the patient who is sick and try to provide a swift resolution to the problems. The concierge physician will provide a more coordinated and comprehensive level of care, taking the time to identify current issues and overall health and wellness. A concierge physician will understand your medical needs and help you receive the best possible treatment available.

Patients who are suffering from chronic diseases can benefit from the additional attention provided by concierge doctors. Appropriate treatment plans can be formulated to manage symptoms and avoid disease progression.

What are the benefits of Concierge Medicine?

The patient will be required to pay a monthly or yearly fee in exchange for a menu of enhanced service which will typically include the following.
  • No waiting
  • Same day or next day appointment upon request
  • Medical advocacy services
  • Timely access
  • Unlimited wellness coaching
  • Tailored wellness and health counseling
  • Personalized care
  • House calls
  • Longer appointments
  • Medical testing
  • Preventive care
  • 24/7 physician access
To Learn More About Concierge Physician, Please Visit: Primary Care Medical Associates Ltd

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Seeking Affordable Vasectomy Reversal in Frisco TX

Once you’ve changed your mind about the vasectomy that you had done, you will inevitably consider reversing the operation. This is more complicated than the actual vasectomy, but many men in Frisco TX have found professionals to conduct affordable vasectomy reversal.

How does it work?

During the vasectomy, the surgeon severs or blocks vas deferens (tubes) that carry sperm from testicles to the penis. During a reversal he or she will have to rejoin the tubes to allow semen to travel to the penis during ejaculation. There are two methods that doctors employ. The first one is vasovasostomy, a procedure that involves sewing back the vas deferens to allow sperm to travel from the testicles to the penis. The other procedure called vasoepididymostomy involves attaching the vas deferens to the organ that stores sperm. This organ is located at the back of each testicle. Whichever method you require, there are plenty of chances for affordable vasectomy reversal in Frisco TX. While vasectomies can be reversed several times the effectiveness reduces with each procedure. 

Where will I have the procedure?

Generally, vasectomy reversal procedures take place in a hospital or a clinic. Patients are given anesthesia so that they will be unconscious during the procedure and will not feel pain. The reversal surgery will take two to four hours and you will be able to go home on the same day. However, it takes about two weeks to recover from the reversal surgery. 

Will there be side effects? 

Side effects from vasectomy reversal are rare, but some people experience discomfort. Bleeding inside the scrotum may cause it to swell up. But if you follow your physician’s advice properly before and after the surgery you will be able to avoid this particular situation. With any surgical procedure there is a chance of infection but if this is the case your physician will treat it with antibiotics. If you experience unbearable of persistent pain following the reversal surgery contact your doctor. 

How can I know it worked?

Your doctor will collect samples of your semen and check to see if sperm is present. It usually takes four to six months for your sperm count to stabilize following your surgery. You will have to be patient. The good news is that there are plenty of affordable vasectomy reversal choices available in Frisco TX and it works.

To Learn More About Vasectomy Reversal, Please Visit: Legacy Male Health

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Monday, May 8, 2017

Get the best pet care from a veterinarian in Lakewood

Visit Website:
Office Address:   20927 Norwalk Blvd, Lakewood, CA 90715
Call today:   562-383-7788

Summary: A veterinarian is a medical professional who is concerned and protects the well-being of animals. They are responsible for controlling animal disease and treating sick and injured animals. For the best pet care, visit a veterinarian in Lakewood. 

Veterinarians provide expert advice on properly caring for your pet and livestock. They provide a wide range of services in research, public health, government services, and private industries. 

What is the role of a veterinarian?

             Diagnose health problems of animals
             Provide vaccination against diseases
             Provide medication for infections and illness
             Treat and dress wounds
             Set fractures
             Perform surgeries
             Euthanize animals
             Provide preventive care for livestock
             Perform diagnostic tests like x-ray, blood, urine, and ultrasound

Animals cannot talk like humans. Clinical history of an animal is obtained from the owner or client, as a pediatrician would obtain the details from a child’s parents.
Veterinarians not only care for cats and dogs, but also birds, reptiles, ferrets, rabbits, and other animals that are kept as pets. Veterinarians are skilled in protecting humans from diseases that are carried by animals and conduct research on animals regarding health issues.
The main job of a veterinarian is to keep the animals healthy, and if they are not, try to figure out why the animal is sick and provide treatment appropriately. Veterinarians specialize in their profession as equine, food safety, research, and others. A typical veterinarian would determine the medical needs of an animal and do surgery if required.
Veterinarians also dress the wounds of animals, give vaccinations to animals and give tests to identify diseases.
They use a variety of medical equipment such as x-rays, ultrasound, and surgical tools. They also prescribe medication for animals and educate you about the basic needs and care of pets, treatments, and medical conditions.
A Veterinarian is also skilled in performing bone setting, orthopedic procedures, dentistry, and trauma surgery. Surgery will require good hand and eye coordination.